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DUI Court

DUI Court Information

The mission of the Fresno County DUI court is to provide offenders with a comprehensive program that will reduce the rate of recidivism and financial burden to the community while enhancing public safety. This will be accomplished through a coordination of collaborative Court services which include individualized treatment plans, close supervision and judicial involvement.

I. General Information

Judicial Officer

Judicial Officer Amy Guerra presides over DUI Court. Court is held every Thursday in Dept. 97B .

Program Overview

The Fresno County DUI Court is a court-supervised, comprehensive treatment, collaborative program for eligible participants. Research conducted for the County of Fresno has revealed that there is a significant amount of cases and growing concern of individuals driving while intoxicated. The implementation of this treatment court has been made to reduce the rate of recidivism amongst offenders and enhance public safety in our communities.

  • Similar to other national model DUI court programs, this post adjudication program is designed for adults and operates on a team concept involving increased supervision, mandatory substance abuse treatment, individual/group counseling as well as random and frequent tests to monitor compliance. Through evidence-based best treatment and supervision practices, participants will learn how to lead healthier and safer lives for themselves and their families while maintaining a clean and sober life.
  • The DUI Court as presently constituted is a single-track treatment model program for High Risk/High Needs defendants charged with subsequent Misdemeanor DUI offenses. Defendants will first appear in their Home Court Department at which time they will be provided with information as to this treatment Court. Defendants who are interested in participating will undergo a screening/assessment by the DUI Court Team to insure that they are eligible for the program. Once approved the participant will plead guilty to the DUI Charges, a jail sentence will be imposed and stayed and they will begin the supervision and treatment program.
  • Defendants who decline participation in the program will be referred back to their home court for continued litigation. If the defendant later pleads guilty/no contest or is found guilty, they may be referred for re-screening and if still eligible, mandated to participate in the program.

Track I vs. Track II

DUI Treatment Court, Track I – Focus on Treatment Needs
This track operates as traditional DUI courts with focus on the 10 Key Components and is designed to target participants with addiction issues, also referred to as “high risk high needs.” Treatment is the key component that distinguishes this track from other tracks. Following a triage risk and needs assessment, an ASAM is performed to determine the level of treatment and participants are continuously monitored to identify any potential adjustments in treatment, court appearances or increased monitoring. The court’s goal is to address root issues and that the defendants meet sentencing obligations in order to improve public safety. Sentencing obligations include continuous alcohol monitoring, such as the ignition interlock device or other alternative monitoring device, educational and treatment programming and possible enrollment into an Adult Offender Work Program.

*DUI Compliance Court, Track II – Focus on Accountability, Compliance and Prevention
This track targets repeat offenders who demonstrate substance abuse, but have little to no addiction issues, also referred to as “high risk low needs” offenders. Consequences will be focused on a participant’s adherence to abstinence and supervision terms. The primary goal of this track is to ensure that participants, while not having a treatment regime to follow, do complete their sentencing obligations while being monitored by the court. This includes monitoring, educational programming, such as the DMV DUI Program. This may also include installation of ignition interlock devices (IID) or other alternative monitoring devices and possible enrollment into and Adult Offender Work Program.


II. Information for Participants

Program Flyer

DUI Court Flyer

Alcohol Monitoring

Participants of DUI Court will be mandated to engage an Alcohol Monitoring Device within 5 days of their sentencing. Participants will be given an option of devices to choose from and be ordered to comply with all rules and regulation of the monitoring program.

Any violation of the monitoring program including evidence of alcohol use, failure to test at the times ordered, tampering with the device, or violating the rules and regulations of the monitoring program may result in remand into custody to serve the remainder of the imposed term.

Alcohol devices range from breathalyzer units to transdermal monitors (ankle bracelet). If a participant chooses to utilize a breathalyzer, but through the course of the program proves that they are not able to adhere to the testing cycle, the participant may be ordered to install a transdermal monitor.

Defendants with off schedule work hours will have testing cycles set as needed. Below is a list of monitoring companies employed by the program.

  1. SCRAM of California
  2. LifeSafer

DMV Multiple Offender Program (SB38)

SB38 Multiple Offender DUI Program is an 18 month program required of offenders to receive their CA driver’s license. California law requires an eighteen-month treatment and education program for people who have been convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs on more than one occasion.

Defendants participating in the program will be mandated to enroll into this program and show proof of attendance.

III. DUI Court Participant Forms

IV. DUI Court Policy & Procedures Manual

Fresno County Superior Court  DUI Court's 

DUI Court Policies and Procedures

V. DUI Court Handbook

Participants in DUI Court are provided with this handbook which guides them through the process of what to expect while in the program.  Information includes requirements and expectations as they navigate through each phase of the course through successful completion. 

DUI Court Participant Handbook

VI. DUI Court Contacts

Courtroom (Department 97B): (559)457-6362
DUI Court Coordinator:  (559)457-1973
Deputy Probation Officer: (559)600-3800
Treatment Case Manager: (559)600-9168

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